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Hoi4 Historical Focus Order

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by derabacklong1977 2020. 1. 28. 05:50


Hoi4 Historical Focus Order

Mar 08, 2018  Hearts of Iron 4 - Historical Focus Paths. Due to how variable some of the early wars can be (such as Italy-Ethiopia, the Spanish Civil War, and the Japanese Invasion of Greater China) there's a big chance some national paths may change in some games.

  1. Hoi4 Focus No Check
  2. Hoi4 Historical Focus Order Guide
  3. Hoi4 German National Focus Order

Hoi4 Focus No Check

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Temporarily banned:. Content that breaks the spirit of these rules may be removed at moderator discretion. Rhineland Industry down to Industry 2 Anschluss Sudetenland tree to Czech annexation Yugoslavia tree to annexation Greece tree to Greek puppeting Memel claim Danzig or War anythingThis will give you Austria, Czech, Yugoslavia, Greece and you'll invade Poland by early-mid 1939.If you lack manpower requirements at any point take army 1. But you shouldn't need to take more than one. To get manpower fast only produce 10 units, and tell the game to prioritise giving equipment to new troops rather than existing ones.

Don't leave them to get exp just send them out as soon as possible, then send them training for exp instead. Hungary is likely to invade Romania. I used to start converting them early to Fascist so they will join my faction but these days I don't bother. Often times you won't be able to invite them because Hungary will declare war on them first anyway. Because you can deploy troops before they even have full equipment. All they need to be deployed is 20% experience, and to get 20% experience they need 20% equipment. This means you'll have a load of troops that are stuck with little equipment for ages but that's fine, you don't need to fight anyone at this point anyway.

Hoi4 historical focus order full

Hoi4 Historical Focus Order Guide

Your equipment production will also ramp up a lot between 1937 and 1939 and this allows you to get the troops on the field faster. However, if you don't deploy them, then they'll keep taking equipment, which will mean you cannot produce troops as fast.

This is why you change the reinforce priority to focus on production troops rather than those already deployed. The key is to get as many troops on the ground as fast as possible to satisfy manpower requirements. After Danzig or War I'll usually go for Around Maginot then war with USSR. After that I'd go with the extra research slot I guess. I skip all the alliance focuses as they're not needed. I basically took the entire left side (save naval air and wunderwaffe) first to get the Panzer IV research going asap, alon with the early factories. Then I went for Rhineland, then Anschluss.

Hoi4 German National Focus Order

I just justified against Poland rather than wait for Danzig or war. Fate of Czech and Yugo are useful for getting more factories without a fight, but if they refuse you can accidentally start WWII early.

You can also skip around maginot if France is like in my game and goes communist, leaving the allies.

Hoi4 Historical Focus Order